Friday, November 07, 2008


Humans are so funny. They love challenges but can't contain themselves with achievements. 

Here is a short fictitious story. There was a simple guy, Richard. He used to walk everyday to his school. He had been watching the same buildings every time of morning and sunsets. He loved the journey so much, that it became a part of him. However, one day the road was under construction and he had to take the other route. He got so mad with himself that he started running in every direction he could. A simple common man was watching all this and stopped Richard and asked the reason. Richard explained everything as fast he could, to continue running like a wind. Man told him, 'Accept the road you have been given. Its going to school that is important and the new paths will keep appearing. Just keep appreciating them and walk on!'

Random behavior can be bothering but accepting it as a part of existence can make journey more meaningful. 


Sayli D. said...

Surprised there are no comments on this one :)..there will be multiple ways to reach the same accepting and appreciating another way will only enrich the experience..

NDEO said...

Well said...