I am full of all the emotions and feelings. I am full of enthusiasm and a drive towards betterment. I am full of the beauty of nature and the secrets it beholds deep inside. I am full of love and love for life. I am full of pain and agony of the city lanes which function like a slaughter house. I am full of dreams to touch the sky and jump over that too.....
I am full of gushing gasoline through my nerves. I am full of truth and sacredness at this moment. I am full of music running all the time in my head. I am full of the smiles of all those toddlers who throw their legs kicking the surrounding air. I am full of the nothingness. I am full of the swaying leaves of the trees. I am full of the sprinkling and incoming water of the blue sea. I am full of the completeness.
I am full of pride of my independence. I am full of respects to all those who made me independent from everything. I am full of cheers to those who are dreaming of better tomorrow and are working towards fulfillment. I am full of the resonance of "Veena" till eternity. I am full of echoes in the mountains which gave my life a new dimension. I am full of the circles on the slate that are drawn by tiny hands. I am full of giggles which represent the mood of the running child, when he locates a butterfly.
I am full of tricks that the magician performed while everyone was trying to solve his last one. I am full of the beautiful sweet smell of the flowers that line the entrance. I am full of mysteries which keep me active. I am full of drive to do something new. I am full of madness to explore the new horizons. I am full of the husky voice of Bryan Adams. I am full of the ticking sound of the the watch. I am full of the afternoon Sun while gulping down the last drop. I am full of the myst that covers the forest. I am full of the cries of the dogs while they howl. I am full of the shine of the water while it dances with the breeze.
I am full of the new technology which changes the life and which never gives up. I am full of spirits to deliver when it matters the most. I am full of the creative life of the bigger One. I am full of the cool shade I crave for in a dry barren desert. I am full of dropping rains. I am full of the loudness of silence. I am so full but I am still so empty.
being empty is being lucky...unless u want to b enlightened like saint..which i presume is not ur ambition...its human tendency to keep feelin empty n i tell u dats d feelin which keeps us goin n discoverin new avenues in life...we keep wonderin what we lack n thats how life moves on...d day we r full thats the end...n dats so borin.
what's life without this emptiness? What will the soul seek if it has everything? Keep smiling..and keep seeking
A fellow seeker
I agree with both of you that emptyness is as close to progress and opportubnities as any other factor....!!!
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