Today is 15th August. So my first wishes to all fellow Indians, "Wish you a very Happy Independence Day". We have completed 59 years of independence from the British rule. India has seen many ups and downs in this process. The growth has been steady and the country is reaping the fruits now.
However, when woke up I had questions wishing me 'Good Morning'. "Is this the total independence? Is this what all the Indians hoped for initially? Is this all?" The questions were so bothering that I couldnt resist mentioning them here.
Well we have come a long way from the 15th August of 1947. The country has changed a lot and so have the dreams. However, the basic dream of food, shelter and roof is still unaccomplished for many. Many wake up with empty stomach and dont have anything to satisfy this basic neccessity. With money juggling in many pockets, isnt this a shameful thing? With tax payers money wasted on 'hungama's ' in parliament its a pity for common man to sleep without lunch and dinner.
Also, people are busy shopping for posh flats. They carry their shopping baskets with them all the time. The localities have got the upbeat rhythm with many new builders joining the bandwagon. However, with the rising interest rates the people have woken to a new reality. Its the time again when people will have nightmares about the insecurity of property rates. But will poor people anytime think about joining this 'run for place' race? They cant buy themselves a meal, how can they dream for moon? With security concerns rising, people are freely pointing towards the fast growing slums. Is there an alternative? Can we do something to solve this problem? Yes, why dont we bring down the slums and with the help of corporates, give a new look to poor man's living place? I know this is always suggested but is there any implementation of the same? Ask the poor Raju who lives in the largest slum of Asia.
Well, everyone says that the industries and markets are growing with unprecedented rates. Agreed. But is it solving the unemployment problem? With the Universities playing factories producing graduates the problem seem to be growing, instead of declining. The education is not reaching the grass root level. The farmers forced to suicide how do we expect the rural India to grow? Slowly but steadily people and institutions should take some concrete steps of growth. They should contribute their hearts out to make an all rounded growth a reality and not only a dream. People should take the responsibility now, as this is the right time, as the NGOs are ready to support these steps.
Lets face it, the growing India has many more dreams than making many more rich industrialists. With many of them shining in Forbes, Business Weeks and other world class lists, the common poor man of India is still at the same level as he was in 1947. Is this the sign of progressive nation? Ask the same question to a class 6th boy and he can answer it correctly. Let this be the begining of a new season, a season of overall progress. A season where everyone gets a chance to contribute to nation's success story. Lets grow together and wipe out this dependence on others. Vande Mataram!
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