...its fun just to dip your head in the snow on the street, when everyone else is watching you.
...its rude to be good with everyone.
...its simple to be complicated and wonder about the complicated life.
...its difficult to listen to Inspector Vijay jokes (courtesy Ashwin).
...its easy to cook food, with people screaming in your ear.
...its hard to see your dear ones suffer.
...its absorbing to plan for a steady future but know that its subjected to change.
...its exciting to visit unknown places with zero or 100% expectations.
...its different to observe at a smiley which is as confused as you are.
...its an cake-walk to be more nostalgic in class than in your bed room.
...its killing to watch someone suffer for no fault of theirs.
...its kewl to be uncool.
...its frustrating to limit life to 24 hours.
...its natural to be tensed about things beyond your control.
...its reliving to live in moments.
...its untidy to be more tidier than other people.
...its funny to watch people react on your stupid comments.